Liposhaping or “Fat Shaping Surgery” is a procedure that removes the fat tissue in the body with the help of vacuum and transfers that fat to the necessary areas. The fundament of the procedure is "Liposuction", that is, "Fat Absorption". Adding oil injections to the Liposuction procedure made the Liposhaping more extensive. The purpose of liposhaping is shaping the body, not making the patient lose weight.
Although it shows personal differences, fattening often occurs on the hips, legs, hips and abdomen in women, and in the belly and waist in men. Intra-abdominal fat is also common in men. Patients can eliminate this problem only with diet and sports. Intra-abdominal fat can lead up to heart diseases and its elimination is important.
Liposuction is not an esthetic surgery performed to lose weight. Liposuction only removes fat, it is not designed to eliminate cellulite or tighten loose skin. It is an esthetic technique that removes excess fat that is not destroyed by diet and exercise.
The success of liposuction procedure depends on skin elasticity. When the underlying fat tissue is drained, the skin must have good elasticity so that it can recover itself. Patients who have gained and lost a lot of weight and those who have widespread stretch marks on their skin don’t have good skin elasticity and are not good candidates for Liposuction. Also the abdominal regions of women who have given birth more than once are often not suitable for Liposuction.
Liposuction can be applied to areas such as buttocks, thighs, breasts, arms, face and neck jowl. It can be applied alone or in combination with other surgical procedures. Fat injections are made in the areas considerated necessary. Most often, the hips are shaped and erected. Again, fat injections can be made for the correction of leg shape, leg thickening, and sometimes for breast augmentation.
Before liposuction, the drawings will be made while the patient is standing. While the patient is standing, it is determined how much and from where fat will be taken from the body and will be added. Then the patient is taken into surgery. Liquid containing drugs (local anesthesia) and anti-bleeding (adrenaline) drugs are given to the areas where fat will be removed. Small holes are opened and thin tubes (cannulas) are inserted through these holes and the fat tissue is sucked with the help of vacuum. If fat is planned to be injected somewhere else, the absorbed fat is collected in a sterile environment, washed, filtered and concentrated by centrifugation if necessary. Prepared fat is given with thinner cannulas to the areas that need to be added.
The purpose of liposhaping is not making the patient lose weight. Therefore, there is no purpose to take out liters of fat. In an average Liposhaping procedure, two to four liters of fat are removed. This amount rarely exceeds five liters. The highest amount of fat that can be taken without putting the patient at risk is 10% of the body weight.
You must be in good general condition for the surgery. You should share with your surgeon whether you have current general health problems, your allergy history, and all the medications you use (herbal included too).
It’s recommended that patients should stop taking any blood thinner medication 2 weeks before the surgery. Patients should stop smoking and drinking alcohol 1 week before the surgery.
Before the operation, painkillers like Apranax, Voltaren, Vermidon (Minoset, Novalgin can be used when pain relief is required), multivitamin pills containing substances such as ginseng, ginko biloba, co-enzyme Q, green tea, flaxseed, cherry stalk, tomato seed herbal products and all Slimming products should not be used at least 1 week before surgery.
Liposuction surgery is a procedure that is mostly performed under general anesthesia.
When done properly and fat is removed within normal limits, these procedures are extremely safe. Serious complications that may occur in the early period includes bleeding, pulmonary embolism, fat embolism and organ injuries. Fat embolism is extremely rare.
More aesthetic problems are experienced after liposhaping. These include fluctuations and irregularities in the skin, collapses in the area where liposhaping is performed, skin color changes, body contour disorders.
No new fat cells are formed in the body after puberty. Therefore, Liposhaping results are permanent. If the patient gains weight after the procedure, the treated area will thicken a little like other body parts, but it will never accumulate as before the surgery.