In general, people, who do not respond to diets and exercises, and who have sagging abdomen skins apply for this operation, which can be performed on both males and females. This surgery should be deferred if patients are planning pregnancy or weight reduction. The patient should inform the doctor about all his/her use of medicine-herbal products and smoking condition. Abdominoplasty is not a weight loss method. It makes belly skin tighter the abdomen firmer. Alongside this operation, liposuction is usually applied for retouch. It should not be performed during pregnancy. The patient should wait at least 6 months after pregnancy.
The operation takes place under general and regional anesthesia at the hospital and takes 2-4 hours. The operation starts with an incision that is hidden in underwear. Abdomen muscles are strengthened. When you wake up, you find yourselves in a “V” position, bending your waist, since the skin is closed by stretching. Your drains are removed within 1 to 4 days. It is recommended you to walk leaning slightly to the front. If the melted stitches are used, they do not require removal. The patient should wear a corset for one month. In addition to classic Abdominoplasty, people with firmer abdomens and with less skin bagginess may prefer mini-abdominoplasty. In this version, the incision is shorter and healing period is quicker. People having surrounding sagginess and who undergone obesity surgeries may prefer circumferential abdominoplasty.