In beard and mustache transplantation, the area where the hair roots are located on the nape of the neck and cheekbones is generally preferred. In some cases, however, hair is also taken from the nape of the neck. In general, hair at the root of the neck is preferred for beard transplantation. The hair on the back of the neck is generally finer in structure than the hair on the beard area. You can also choose this procedure to eliminate the problem of hair loss or lack of hair in the upper lip area in men. Hair follicles from the nape of the upper lip are used.
How is a beard and mustache transplant performed?
The patient must initially be 20 years or older. There are two reasons for this: On the one hand, the body must have reached a hormonal balance and, on the other hand, its physical development should be completed. First of all, the patient should undergo tissue quality control and the area where the transplantation will take place should be checked. If there is a scar or burn scar in the tissue at this point, this area should be examined and treated accordingly, otherwise a good result cannot be achieved. In addition, if the person's facial area is very patchy, it may not be the right decision to use the procedure. If the transplant area is suitable, it is calculated how many hair follicles are needed in the required area and it is checked whether the donor area is sufficient for this number. The hair follicles that are taken from the donor area should be carefully selected.
How is the beard and mustache transplant performed?
In beard and mustache transplantation, the hair is taken from the nape of the neck, the body or the root of the neck. These hair follicles are implanted without a long wait.
A preferred implantation technique is the Fue implantation technique. This technique is the most popular beard and mustache transplant technique in recent years. In this technique, the roots of the hair are generally taken from the nape of the neck. At the same time, hair follicles can also be removed from the cheek or neck region. The hair is removed painlessly and without any skin treatment, and there is no scar on the skin after this procedure. After this procedure, the beard and mustache grow gradually.
What should be considered after the operation?
Comfortable clothes should be worn before the beard and mustache transplant. However, on the first day after the procedure you should not rub your face and therefore you should sleep on your back. Other factors to consider after beard and mustache transplant are as follows;
• After the procedure, the face area is bandaged, and after some procedures hair may stick to the bandage and fall out. After the procedure, the face should not be washed for an average of 72 hours.
• To avoid any infection, the treated areas should be cleaned regularly. In the early days, no pressure should be exerted on the face when cleaning. The first shave makes more sense two weeks later.
• The first shave must be done with a razor blade.
What are the stages of beard transplant?
Beard and mustache transplantation is performed in the same way as hair transplantation. Certain steps are followed in this application and in general the beard transplant is performed as follows;
- Before the beard transplant, a detailed examination of the human is made.
- First it is calculated how many roots are needed and how many grafts are necessary for beard transplantation.
- Before the beard transplant, certain tests are performed on the patient and a blood test is also done.
- A local anesthetic is used to avoid pain during the procedure.
- The area to be harvested is determined and the hair follicles are preserved in a special solution.
- The collected hair follicles are implanted into the person with the hair transplant technique.
- Beard transplantation is in no way different from hair transplantation. In particular, the hair follicles taken in the beard transplant should be of high quality. However, good storage of these hair follicles ensures the success of the procedure. However, beard transplant is performed in the same way as mustache transplant.
How long does it take for a beard and mustache transplant to heal?
After a beard and mustache transplant, the treated area returns to its normal appearance in an average of one week. Full recovery occurs after an average of fifteen days. The duration of hair transplantation is the same. The removed area must be protected for a while and treated gently. After that, you can apply the cleaning and shaving procedures according to the details of the beard and mustache transplant given by the doctor. The expected appearance appears after an average of six months, the final result is visible after twelve months.